Every Heartbeat Matters surgical and critical care products can be ordered through MAP International’s Online Ordering Portal.
A MAP Partner Account will allow you to:
- Search available products
- Order products for your mission trip
- Track your shipping history

PLEASE NOTE: You are entering a portal managed by MAP International and sponsored by Edwards Lifesciences
If you have been referred to an additional partner company with MAP International, you can also access the referral company’s product through MAP International’s Online Ordering portal.
Edwards Lifesciences Foundation partners with MAP International through its program, Every Heartbeat Matters, to bring its products to underserved patients around the world.
In 2014, Edwards Lifesciences launched its signature charitable initiative, Every Heartbeat Matters. In partnership with its distribution partner, MAP International, Edwards Lifesciences as impacted more than 1.7 million underserved patients all around the world.
In 2020, Edwards Lifesciences set the bar higher for direct impact to underserved patients and set a new goal: Every Heartbeat Matters will improve the lives of 2.5 million more underserved structural heart and critical care patients by the end of 2025